Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bring Your Antlers

That's right, bring your antlers and get scored and win prizes! Check out the Antler Expo and Sport Show this weekend at the Forts Folle Avione Historical Park in Danbury.

March 31st and April 1st from 10AM to 4PM you can take your antlers to be scored and displayed. No antlers...try out the Bird Sporting Clay Shoot or the 3D Archery Shoot. There will also be seminars by the Wisconsin DNR, the Ice Age Trail, the National Park Service, and lots of vendors for you to check out.

Get all the details and prices here Anler Expo/Sports Show  Event sponsored by the Forts Folle Avoine and The Fish Bowl United Sportman Club.

Friday, March 16, 2012

St Urho

March 17th is St Patrick's Day, but today, March 16th is St Urho's Day.  Who is St Urho? 

It seems the legend of St Urho began around the 1950's in either Virginia, Minnesota or Chippewa Falls, Wisconisn of a great man who drove either frogs or grasshoppers out of Finland. Originally celebrated in May, the date was later changed to March 16th, and many communities across the US and Canada with Finnish origins now hold parades and festivals on this date.

Around Wisconsin you can celebrate St Urho's Day here:
  • Oconto: Ruby Hatters St. Urho’s Day Social March 16th 11AM at The Brothers Three
  • Brantwood - St. Urho/St Patrick Celebration March 17th 4:30PM at the Brantwood Community Center.
  • Barnes - St. Urho's/St. Patrick's Day Parade and Events March 17th Barnes WI 
So a Happy St Urho's and St Patrick's Weekend everyone!

May brooks and trees and singing hills
Join in the chorus too,
And every gentle wind that blows
Send happiness to you.  ~Irish Blessing
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